3 months flow like as fast as river goes.
it is time for the warrior to back. PENGKALAN HULU. sounds so memorable.
there are person that going there by 'transnasional', family, taxi, train, and other such mysterious ways.
10.00 am. crowd on the office. for what? to get the judgment.
every sweat for 1 and a half years is going to be judge. yes, without any announcement,
MRSM PENGKALAN HULU strive to get no. 5 in all MRSMs. a great start for a new school.
and, behold, all of the warriors cried happily and enjoy the festive with everyone including the honourable teachers...
hmm. yes, life is sweet isn't it. even we cannot predict what we gonna get.
only GOD knows best for every person HE created..
and that's the end of the story in sweet village of PENGKALAN HULU......
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
have u imagine if u are part of all this things?
so awesome isn't it?
my enthusiast start when i follow my uncle, always to all the malls...
yes, i feel so fantastic every time i went there. their view, products, services, merchandises, offers, WOW~
i really appreciate all their bags (including plastic bags, paper bags)
then, when i start grown up, i start reading books about products, fashion, cars, lifestyle...
it just like give me adrenaline to explore more in this endless world..
i look all professionals, how they walk with briefcase kept close to hands, how they have lunch for a while at starbucks, how they handle the meeting, meet the clients...
how their dress look with perfect brands (armani, hugo boss, zegna), their cars (bmw, lexus, audi), their perfumes (estee lauder, D&G, versace, chanel), their cool gadgets (iPhone, sony vaio, iPad, HP iPaq)
sounds brilliant right??
i start reading all news, information, all about business world.....
i really love watching THE APPRENTICE , OPRAH'S BIG GIVE, NESCAFE KICKSTART, JANICE DICKINSON MODELLING AGENCY. u can watch it too and u will start admire it.
business world can be separated into several parts.....
oil: middle east (UAE, SAUDI ARABIA)
metal: RUSSIA
consumer products: USA, EUROPE, several EASTERN countries
banking: USA, EUROPE
entertainment : USA
malaysia should proud with their business environment that is so convenient, safe to invest and start business. Malaysia also has several notable business leaders that are capable to represent malaysia to the world.
Such as ananda krishnan (maxis, astro), lim kok thay (genting, resorts world), vincent tan (berjaya), robert kuok (shangri la), syed mokhtar albukhary (mph, bernas, PADINI, drb hicom), mokhzani mahathir (kencana petroleum), nazir razak (cimb bank), rozali ismail (puncak niaga, syabas)
and we also have fresh business kickers such as ali hassan (al-ikhsan), azizi ali (properties) and irfan khairi (internet).
come along this journey and thrive yourself to your fullest potential.
have u imagine if u are part of all this things?
so awesome isn't it?
my enthusiast start when i follow my uncle, always to all the malls...
yes, i feel so fantastic every time i went there. their view, products, services, merchandises, offers, WOW~
i really appreciate all their bags (including plastic bags, paper bags)
then, when i start grown up, i start reading books about products, fashion, cars, lifestyle...
it just like give me adrenaline to explore more in this endless world..
i look all professionals, how they walk with briefcase kept close to hands, how they have lunch for a while at starbucks, how they handle the meeting, meet the clients...
how their dress look with perfect brands (armani, hugo boss, zegna), their cars (bmw, lexus, audi), their perfumes (estee lauder, D&G, versace, chanel), their cool gadgets (iPhone, sony vaio, iPad, HP iPaq)
sounds brilliant right??
i start reading all news, information, all about business world.....
i really love watching THE APPRENTICE , OPRAH'S BIG GIVE, NESCAFE KICKSTART, JANICE DICKINSON MODELLING AGENCY. u can watch it too and u will start admire it.
business world can be separated into several parts.....
oil: middle east (UAE, SAUDI ARABIA)
metal: RUSSIA
consumer products: USA, EUROPE, several EASTERN countries
banking: USA, EUROPE
entertainment : USA
malaysia should proud with their business environment that is so convenient, safe to invest and start business. Malaysia also has several notable business leaders that are capable to represent malaysia to the world.
Such as ananda krishnan (maxis, astro), lim kok thay (genting, resorts world), vincent tan (berjaya), robert kuok (shangri la), syed mokhtar albukhary (mph, bernas, PADINI, drb hicom), mokhzani mahathir (kencana petroleum), nazir razak (cimb bank), rozali ismail (puncak niaga, syabas)
and we also have fresh business kickers such as ali hassan (al-ikhsan), azizi ali (properties) and irfan khairi (internet).
come along this journey and thrive yourself to your fullest potential.
so awesome, so outrageous, so amazing, so wonderful.......
what am i thinking about?? am i crazy? am i mad?
NOT AT ALL. this is all reality...... pull stop......
hmmm. when all this started~
it started only early last year. i really admired business world (and of course $$$).
so, when i heard that 'they' controlled 70% of the world trades and business,
i was shock. so, i searched about them, i did all the research, reading books, articles..
then, all my bad instinct about them start vanishing, i start to admire them so much.
hmmm, now i give u the facts.
high school musical (ashley tisdale and zac efron)
american idol(paula abdul, elliot yamin and adam lambert)
spiderman(james franco, tobby mcguire)
maroon 5 (adam levine)
fall out boys
guns and roses
beastie boys
daniel radcliffe( harry potter)
shia labeouf( transformers)
nicolas cage( national treasure, ghost rider)
robert downey jr. ( iron man)
jake gyllenhaal (clash of the titans)
tom cruise (mission impossible)
george clooney (batman, ocean 13)
scarlett johannson (iron man 2)
adam sandler (click, the longest yard)
ben stiller (night at the museum)
natalie portman (starwars, v for vendetta)
ron perlman (hellboy)
harrison ford (star wars, indiana jones)
haha.... want more??
david beckham (footballer)
david blaine (street magic)
david copperfield (magic)
harry houdini (illusion magic)
companies? haha, this is more important~
technology: apple, oracle, google, amazon, ebay, facebook, dell, HP, IBM, MOTOROLA, NOKIA,
media: time, newsweek, forbes, new york times, news corp.
entertainment: disney, pixar, warner bros. 20th century fox, dolby digital, marvel, universal studios.
cars: ford, fiat, citroen
consumer: starbucks, dunkin donuts, haagen dasz, mcdonalds, coca-cola, burger king, nestle, danone, johnson n johnson, maggie, sara lee
fashion: LV, Tag heurer, GAP, ralph lauren, calvin klein, estee lauder, marc jacobs, DKNY, michael kors, loreal, revlon,
hotel: hilton, hyatt, sheraton, holiday inn
too much to figure out all their companies.........
(sebenarnya, saya juga mempunyai beberapa kawan yahudi, termasuk seorang pegawai politik ISRAEL)
so awesome, so outrageous, so amazing, so wonderful.......
what am i thinking about?? am i crazy? am i mad?
NOT AT ALL. this is all reality...... pull stop......
hmmm. when all this started~
it started only early last year. i really admired business world (and of course $$$).
so, when i heard that 'they' controlled 70% of the world trades and business,
i was shock. so, i searched about them, i did all the research, reading books, articles..
then, all my bad instinct about them start vanishing, i start to admire them so much.
hmmm, now i give u the facts.
high school musical (ashley tisdale and zac efron)
american idol(paula abdul, elliot yamin and adam lambert)
spiderman(james franco, tobby mcguire)
maroon 5 (adam levine)
fall out boys
guns and roses
beastie boys
daniel radcliffe( harry potter)
shia labeouf( transformers)
nicolas cage( national treasure, ghost rider)
robert downey jr. ( iron man)
jake gyllenhaal (clash of the titans)
tom cruise (mission impossible)
george clooney (batman, ocean 13)
scarlett johannson (iron man 2)
adam sandler (click, the longest yard)
ben stiller (night at the museum)
natalie portman (starwars, v for vendetta)
ron perlman (hellboy)
harrison ford (star wars, indiana jones)
haha.... want more??
david beckham (footballer)
david blaine (street magic)
david copperfield (magic)
harry houdini (illusion magic)
companies? haha, this is more important~
technology: apple, oracle, google, amazon, ebay, facebook, dell, HP, IBM, MOTOROLA, NOKIA,
media: time, newsweek, forbes, new york times, news corp.
entertainment: disney, pixar, warner bros. 20th century fox, dolby digital, marvel, universal studios.
cars: ford, fiat, citroen
consumer: starbucks, dunkin donuts, haagen dasz, mcdonalds, coca-cola, burger king, nestle, danone, johnson n johnson, maggie, sara lee
fashion: LV, Tag heurer, GAP, ralph lauren, calvin klein, estee lauder, marc jacobs, DKNY, michael kors, loreal, revlon,
hotel: hilton, hyatt, sheraton, holiday inn
too much to figure out all their companies.........
(sebenarnya, saya juga mempunyai beberapa kawan yahudi, termasuk seorang pegawai politik ISRAEL)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
once upon a time in mrsm pengkalan hulu!!!!!

private school. selalu baca majalah E-Siswa dan Fokus SPM sebab banyak kisah2 menarik tentang dunia sekolah2 kategori ni. pertandingan sampai oversea, scholarship dan alumni yang berjaya.
masa mula2 nak masuk skolah,
rasa takut pun ada. aku terus terang kata, memang aku takut dengar perkataan 'raging' ni. ye la, ramai adik beradik aku masuk asrama. diorg ada juga cerita tentang 'raging'. alhamdulillah, aku masuk form 4, dan kebetulan aku 1st batch. so, aku la senior. dan alhamdulillah, aku bangga jadi warga MRSMPH. sepanjang 2 tahun aku sekolah situ, memang sekali pun xde 'raging'. cikgu, senior dan junior saling menyayangi. semoga budaya ni kekal sampai sekarang. 1st batch dah corakkan budaya dengan baik sekali.
tiba di pagar MRSMPH....
SAFFURA. dia yg sambut kat depan office. almaklumlah, kita ni cuma second intake...
first sight on her, looks pretty too. maybe sebab time tu dia terlebih bergaya x tau la (terlebih puji ke)
so, aku daftar kat bilik seminar.. first time jumpa cikgu zam.
then, masuk bilik psp, jumpa plak fikri, syamil, athirah boey (with her PDA).and also PAK HASSAN.
ayah syamil asyik tanya je kat microphone.. hoho, cam diplomat plak.
new room in da town. L110. sedap bunyi, x tau la kalau boleh bawak tuah plak..
new teammate a.k.a org yg akan aku tgk mukanya hari2 adalah:
syamil, fikri, azlan, naza (ketua bilik)
3 org lagi x datang (mungkin sebab terlalu HULU kot, dan dah pertengahan tahun)
azlan suka tido. time exam dia jadi kelawar (revision)
syamil hardwork
fikri study smart, yet bijak bahagi masa
naza good mate, kadang2 malas, kadang2 rajin
1st memory
malam pertama kat mrsm ph.
sume gi prep. yg 2nd intake kena gi bilik psp. ada orientasi..
aku dgn azlan paling lewat. kami pun cari2 la mana dia tempat yg bernama 'bilik psp'.
blok bangunan dah la banyak. tgh cari2 tu, aku dgn azlan berdua dlm gelap2 keluar dari ASPURA. jalan perlahan2 ke dewan makan, melintasi dan dgn pantasnya ke blok satu lagi..
dgn tujuan dan azam yg murni, pergi ke orientasi. dlm samar2, kami pun berlegar2 di blok yg satu lagi tu. kami pusing2, cam org sesat. gelap2 plak tu. tiba2, aku terperasan nama bilik. eh, ini no bilik P berapa ni. jap2... something wrong here. azlan memang x perasan. aku cakap kat azlan. "wei, rasanya kita dah masuk ASPURI ni ," azlan yg tersedar dari lamunan beliau yg entah apa2 tu, terus mengiyakan agakanku. lalu, dgn sepantas kilat, kami berlari tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. dgn segala kudrat yg diberikan oleh-Nya, kami bergegas ke blok akademik yg sebetulnya dan straight ke bilik psp. nasib kami memang amat baik.. kalaulah warden perempuan nampak, WE'RE DEAD!!!!
2nd memory
lepas cuti pulang bermalam pertama.
masa nak balik ke sekolah semula..bersama family. almaklumlah, first time duduk asrama, so, ingatkan masuk maktab x payah la pakai baju sekolah. pakai la t-shirt kolar, seluar slack, bersandal...
dengan selambanya minta kad outing kat pak guard. unluckily, cikgu YON pun in da HOUSE!!!
ADOI,, "cikgu, boleh minta kad outing,"dgn mudahnya baginda bertitah yg maksudnya....
SO, balik la asrama dengan hampa, dgn penuh kebimbangan..
tetiba, fikri sampai kat bilik. dan yg paling bestnya, dia pun x pakai BAJU SEKOLAH.(sorry fikri. xde niat jahat pun) HAHAHA.
SO, berani la sikit nak jumpa PAK HASSAN esok.
esoknya, hari yg dinanti2kan.. aku dgn fikri memang gabra habis, menggigil satu badan nak mengadap TUANKU HASSAN.
so, kami pun pergi la pejabat time rehat dlm pukul 10.45 am la.
masuk pejabat, terus masuk bilik PAK HASSAN.
dia tanya kenapa x pakai baju sekolah masuk maktab, ingat samseng ke. so, kena la basuh ngan baginda di situ. last skali, hukuman Baginda yg paling terkenal dlm kalangan warga maktab. aku pegang fikri punya dada, fikri pegang aku punya. baginda suruh kami cubit kuat2. aku bisik dekat fikri, suruh buat perlahan2 je, tapi dia buat kuat la pulak kat aku. terasa menusuk sakitnya. so, aku pun menguatkan la pulasanku. dia x nak mengalah. dia pun UP LAGI..HMMM, aku pun UP jugak la...(plan fail)..penat aku. rasa cam dah lebam dah. x tau la kalau fikri pun rasa camtu jugak. ingatkan dah selamat la.. rupa-rupanya, malang tidak berbau.......sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga.
ada lagi buah tangan dari baginda. TIADA OUTING 1 BULAN. (rasa nak menjerit)
fikri hanya mampu tersenyum..
4th memory
time ni hujung tahun 2008 dah. semua dah fikir nak balik. kena beli tiket bas. so, tetiba la plak, duit tgh sengkek. (terlebih sedekah mungkin) hmm. so, keluarga pos duit sebab belum buat kad maybank lagi masa tu. cadang nak outing la. boleh keluarkan duit kat pejabat pos. yela, cikgu HOMEROOM (ENGKU NORAZLIN iaitu isteri Pak HASSAN) baru bersalin, x boleh la minta tolong dia. camna nak buat ni ye. so, satu hari, time maghrib kat surau. PAK HASSAN bagi ceramah perdana kejap. habis je dia bagi ceramah, terus kejar dia sampai ke pintu surau. bermulalah perbualan yg amat hangat.. Layannn.... zassss
H: Assalamualaikum, cikgu. nak mintak tolong sikit.
P: waalaikumsalam. ada apa.
H: saya punya duit dah habis, boleh tak kalau saya nak keluar kejap tengah hari esok.
nak ambil duit, cikgu.
P: kamu ni!! suruh la cikgu homeroom kamu keluarkan duit. apa dia buat, malas sangat. takkan
membesarkan perut je kot. cakap kat dia suruh keluarkan. sapa nama cikgu homeroom
kamu tu.
H: tapi cikgu homeroom saya CIKGU ENGKU LIN.
P: ..................senyap.......................( muka merah padam) ( dah malu )
kamu ni!!! asyik nak menyusahkan cikgu kamu je.. cuba la faham sikit...
dah, esok kamu naik van maktab pergi keluarkan duit kamu
H: baik cikgu, terima kasih cikgu...
4th memory
one day, kelas 508 pegi makmal fizik.
kelas kami cikgu syukri yg mengajar (dengar nama dia je dah seram)
so, time tu tajuk yg kami belajar adalah bernoulli principle.
cikgu syukri suruh sume ambil kertas A4, tiup kertas tu.
aku dgn syamil main2, tiup x terangkat. so, cikgu syukri suruh kami ke depan. dia still senyum lagi. syamil serius, tapi aku main2 lagi. tiba2, cikgu syukri mengamuk. HASIF!!!
pergi naik meja cikgu ni sekarang!!! baik cikgu, baik...(seram gila)
tanggal kasut, terus naik meja. tiup kertas depan kengkawan (cam fun fair). kelas sebelah (507) dengar kat sebelah cikgu syukri menjerit..
sejak itu, aku hormat gila cikgu syukri. x mengantuk langsung (takut gila)
nak salam dia pun takut...hihi, sorry cikgu....
5th memory
lebih kurang mid-2009
terngiang-ngiang di telinga,
''nak hasif shuffle'' ''hasif dgn meor shuffle'' dan bermacam-macam lagi bunyi-bunyian pelik dan menyeramkan. hmm. sebenarnya, diri ni x tau langsung shuffle.
but, ramai undi supaya aku shuffle.. WHAT???? I MEAN WHAT!!!!
BACK TO THE STORY HMM, time tu dah panas dah isu2 pasal dinner form 5. sapa yg perform, sapa dpt anugerah.
tetiba, presiden kelas 508, nik syafiqah tetiba bertitah, HASIF, AKU NAK KAMU SHUFFLE DALAM PERSEMBAHAN TU NANTI. ada azri, shiro, haziq, syafiqah. hmm.. sound interesting.
tapi, ilmu SHUFFLE : 0....... sedangkan ada satu beban tergalas di bahuku. siapkan nombor meja dinner form 5 dan urus pendaftaran. almaklumlah. BADAN WAKIL PELAJAR......
bedal je la. ok, NIK, aku join. satu perkara menakjubkan akan berlaku.
x bleh jadi ni. aku pun carik guru shuffle. yes, jumpa. mirza aiman. form 4. shuffler paling berpengaruh pernah ada di maktab ni. dia pun bagi la basic sikit, kat asrama. ramai jugak la form 4 lain gelak bila tengok aku shuffle. biar betul dia ni. hehe. from basic, aku practice sikit2.
kat kelas, makmal, tandas, asrama, sume la tempat2 yg menjadi mangsaku.
kadang2 ada gak classmate, roommate perasan. macam fatimah, syamil.
hari kedua terakhir, before great dinner form 5. practice dgn yg lain. kat makmal seni lukis.
time tu la sebenarnya baru nak cipta tarian, step2. tapi, harung je. dah nak dead-line.
hari terakhir, rehearsel kat bilik PRS. ramai gila training, ada budak tarian hindustan, tarian kasanova, dgn silat. cikgu hazlin tengok. dia nampak cam puas hati.
hari sebenar.
xde topi merah. mintak aizat, thanks aizat kasi topi. heeee. siap berus kasi hilang habuk.
2.30pm bertolak ke rasa sayang golf n country club. naik kereta cikgu hazlin( hyundai getz)
sama2 nur alia, ummu, dan amirah lina. aku duduk depan la. bahaya duduk seat belakang.
sampai je, start arrange dewan dinner. kasi nombor pada tiap meja. (sebenarnya pihak hotel yg tolong buatkan). haha.
tukar dari baju batik maktab ke baju dinner kat chalet dgn BWP yg lain termasuk ameer dan farhana (pengacara).
akhirnya, malam menjelma. bas2 dari maktab datang. tibalah majlis dinner. sume daftar. aku dgn amirah lina jaga pendaftaran. best gila. habis je sume daftar, termasuk guru, cepat2 tukar baju dgn haziq, azri. ready utk diterkejutkan. haha.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
all my troubles seemed so far away,
now it looks as tough they're here to stay,
oh, i believe in yesterday
i'm not half the man i used to be,
there's a shadow hanging over me,
oh, yesterday came suddenly.
yes, it came suddenly.
why it came suddenly??
i do not want to talk about THE BEATLES, they are 'yesterday'...
i just want to share my memory of 'yesterday' friend.
yes, his name is F****. yes, why his name?
because i think he is my dream friend.
our friendship started on 16 june 2008, when we register to a prestigious MRSM pengkalan hulu.
i first see him in bilik PSP, to listen the intro speech by PAK HASSAN.
i also see SYAMIL and ATHIRAH BOEY there.
based on my first naked eyes sight, my instinct said that he is a special person.
i back to my new room, wow!!
it seems like he is my new roommate. what a coincidence.
and then, start our journey living and share our interest there.
most of all, he share a same genre of music with me.
we like romance evergreen songs, probably like air supply, the beatles.
we are so unique in the neighborhood because i think only he and me that admire the songs so much.
in any program, i am so lucky having the opportunity to involve with him..
like... program mentor. he is my mentor of biology and prinsip akaun.
besides that, we also have a same vision, same ambition,
to involve in business or corporate world (more suitable). if him, i guess because of his father's encouragement (also business person). but me, haha. because i want to challenge myself. and of course to also be a part of 'billionaires' club members too. (am i dream too high, i think NOT)
hmm, if about fashion, i really admire how the way his appearance. perfume: polo ralph lauren, shirt: dockers. metro sexual i guess. or metropolitan, urban...me? hmm, well, a little bit less than him. but, i also keep importance of my appearance, my daily dress. same just like him.
Now, we have start our very own journey to seek our dream future and fortune. I wish I can be his business or investment partner one day. yes, like sergey brin & larry page, paul munger & warren buffett, rothschild & warburg.
take care of your health in 'perantauan'. 'hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. lebih baik di negeri orang'. hehe.
all my troubles seemed so far away,
now it looks as tough they're here to stay,
oh, i believe in yesterday
i'm not half the man i used to be,
there's a shadow hanging over me,
oh, yesterday came suddenly.
yes, it came suddenly.
why it came suddenly??
i do not want to talk about THE BEATLES, they are 'yesterday'...
i just want to share my memory of 'yesterday' friend.
yes, his name is F****. yes, why his name?
because i think he is my dream friend.
our friendship started on 16 june 2008, when we register to a prestigious MRSM pengkalan hulu.
i first see him in bilik PSP, to listen the intro speech by PAK HASSAN.
i also see SYAMIL and ATHIRAH BOEY there.
based on my first naked eyes sight, my instinct said that he is a special person.
i back to my new room, wow!!
it seems like he is my new roommate. what a coincidence.
and then, start our journey living and share our interest there.
most of all, he share a same genre of music with me.
we like romance evergreen songs, probably like air supply, the beatles.
we are so unique in the neighborhood because i think only he and me that admire the songs so much.
in any program, i am so lucky having the opportunity to involve with him..
like... program mentor. he is my mentor of biology and prinsip akaun.
besides that, we also have a same vision, same ambition,
to involve in business or corporate world (more suitable). if him, i guess because of his father's encouragement (also business person). but me, haha. because i want to challenge myself. and of course to also be a part of 'billionaires' club members too. (am i dream too high, i think NOT)
hmm, if about fashion, i really admire how the way his appearance. perfume: polo ralph lauren, shirt: dockers. metro sexual i guess. or metropolitan, urban...me? hmm, well, a little bit less than him. but, i also keep importance of my appearance, my daily dress. same just like him.
Now, we have start our very own journey to seek our dream future and fortune. I wish I can be his business or investment partner one day. yes, like sergey brin & larry page, paul munger & warren buffett, rothschild & warburg.
take care of your health in 'perantauan'. 'hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. lebih baik di negeri orang'. hehe.
the rise of highlanders: episode 2
IN THE END OF 2009, many tragedies happen. one night in surau of MRSM PH, powerful mr. yon urges them. many warriors raise hands said that they bring the 'handphone'. mr. anuar and mr. yon really sad. other teachers also stress out that the warriors doesn't want to study anymore. many teachers feel upset and worried with the warriors especially in biology and history.
suddenly, a shock decision of midnight class was announce by the dictator pak hassan. it was named program menggapai bintang. a cruel and evil program that had been made by 'politik darah dan besi'. yes, mentoring programme had not work out anymore. warriors brain were dry of oxygen, dry of idea. only strong warriors can survive by this new sadistic programme.
every student struggled and push themselves. like no time left. like tomorrow is going to an end.
day seems like night. stress is everywhere. sweat is a common for warrior to rise again, with one immortal vision, succeed in the final quest to seek victory, THE SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA.
day after day, time pass away.
14 nov.2009, MRSM PENGKALAN HULU, all the juniors back home. what a relief. but, the final journey has just begun for the seniors. who will win, who will fall, the quest is continue~
4 weeks of struggle really push to the limit. drama happen anywhere. some mornings are filled with musical, enchanted rhyme on HIGHLANDERS FM organised by DJ Nas. she is talented DJ actually. many praised her ability to make our environment more 'happening'.
all of the teachers came out to give moral support to them, even the most powerful yet influential PAK HASSAN.
16 dec.2009, the long awaited day has come. in malay it is called, 'tarikh keramat'. where all community jump happily, like they have arrive to paradise. no academic responsibility anymore.
everyone is going to be free, FREEDOM in every creature's mind.
but, all of the sudden, something is 'pop out' in everybody. something that they do not want to let go. but, they have to. YES, the day has come. the day has come for warriors to leave the blessed place.
who want to leave the ALCATRAZ that has shape all prisoners there. that place has leave beautiful memories, beautiful stories, beautiful guidance, that will always be kept in their hearts.
but, they knew, outside world has welcome them to thrive their experience, knowledge, wisdom, and spirit. here we come!!!
suddenly, a shock decision of midnight class was announce by the dictator pak hassan. it was named program menggapai bintang. a cruel and evil program that had been made by 'politik darah dan besi'. yes, mentoring programme had not work out anymore. warriors brain were dry of oxygen, dry of idea. only strong warriors can survive by this new sadistic programme.
every student struggled and push themselves. like no time left. like tomorrow is going to an end.
day seems like night. stress is everywhere. sweat is a common for warrior to rise again, with one immortal vision, succeed in the final quest to seek victory, THE SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA.
day after day, time pass away.
14 nov.2009, MRSM PENGKALAN HULU, all the juniors back home. what a relief. but, the final journey has just begun for the seniors. who will win, who will fall, the quest is continue~
4 weeks of struggle really push to the limit. drama happen anywhere. some mornings are filled with musical, enchanted rhyme on HIGHLANDERS FM organised by DJ Nas. she is talented DJ actually. many praised her ability to make our environment more 'happening'.
all of the teachers came out to give moral support to them, even the most powerful yet influential PAK HASSAN.
16 dec.2009, the long awaited day has come. in malay it is called, 'tarikh keramat'. where all community jump happily, like they have arrive to paradise. no academic responsibility anymore.
everyone is going to be free, FREEDOM in every creature's mind.
but, all of the sudden, something is 'pop out' in everybody. something that they do not want to let go. but, they have to. YES, the day has come. the day has come for warriors to leave the blessed place.
who want to leave the ALCATRAZ that has shape all prisoners there. that place has leave beautiful memories, beautiful stories, beautiful guidance, that will always be kept in their hearts.
but, they knew, outside world has welcome them to thrive their experience, knowledge, wisdom, and spirit. here we come!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
a successful story of a bright boy.. Current mood: blessed
SPM- the rise of highlanders episode 1
3th january 2009- " I am proudly announce MRSM Pengkalan Hulu ranked 1st in MRSM Malaysiawide final semester 2008", said Academic Vice - principal. i was so proud. it was a blessed for all highlanders. i cannot believe i am a part of MRSM Pengkalan Hulu. everyone are joyful and happy. i hope and pray that this 'barakah' will continue and bless our next generation.
mid-semester 2009-" i am now annouce MRSM Pengkalan Hulu ranked 33th in MRSM Malaysiawide mid-semester 2009", cursed Academic Vice-principal. with a small voice appeared. i was so sad. everybody was impacted by the declaration. a wave that make all silent for a while. thinking any sin or mistake they have made. i am not surprised i am a part of MRSM Pengkalan Hulu. i felt so responsible to raise this long honorary kaiser empire to back on track. back on renaissance....
pre-trial SPM- what????? everybody dropped... how can that be??? the teachers felt so stress. argh!!! i also can feel it.... but, how can i change it?? how can highlanders change it??? God, with all my heart, i prayed to you. bring us back to the peak of glory..
mid-semester 2009-" i am now annouce MRSM Pengkalan Hulu ranked 33th in MRSM Malaysiawide mid-semester 2009", cursed Academic Vice-principal. with a small voice appeared. i was so sad. everybody was impacted by the declaration. a wave that make all silent for a while. thinking any sin or mistake they have made. i am not surprised i am a part of MRSM Pengkalan Hulu. i felt so responsible to raise this long honorary kaiser empire to back on track. back on renaissance....
pre-trial SPM- what????? everybody dropped... how can that be??? the teachers felt so stress. argh!!! i also can feel it.... but, how can i change it?? how can highlanders change it??? God, with all my heart, i prayed to you. bring us back to the peak of glory..
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